Friday 13 February 2009

Growing Strawberries Gardening Things to Do In 2009

Gardening Things to Do In 2009

It is still full blown winter but does this mean that we cannot have our day in the sun tending to our beautiful but sometimes fragile plants and fruits? Or even just soak up the sun in a sheltered and cozy warm environment? Well not anymore, for 2009 you have the choice to make sure that you can use your green fingers all year round, and this starts by simply giving us a call or write us an email, and let us help you become the best year round gardener on the block. The saying is, "the grass is always greener at the neighbor's house", and yes now it is.

But what do we have to offer you when it comes to ultimate greenhouses? We here at Hartley Botanic products have many different houses to choose from, but our main sales seem to be with our 18th century models. These models come in many variations and are sure to make your dream greenhouse wishes come true.

When the first greenhouse ideas came into play many years ago with the Roman army, one could have only wished for such a great selection as we have to offer today. Our greenhouse solutions are really state of the art, and although many of our greenhouses offered are in an 18th century setting, you will find that they are built with modern technology and master craftsmanship. So what will your plans be for this great new year of 2009?

Well why not kick it off right and order your new greenhouse today, and start gardening all year round. Think of the reception of having fresh strawberries next Christmas. Or even the opportunity to have fresh flowers growing all year. Some people might actually want to grow a new crop just to make some extra bob at the local farmers markets. Just think of the extra nutrition you are able to give to your local village members by growing your own in one of our greenhouses. And the extra money made will come in handy when you are earning back the price of your greenhouse. So in this case you might want to call this a win-win situation. And let's be frank, how many of us can say we are doing something to keep our neighbor's healthy?

Are you the only one in town with a greenhouse? Have you ever thought about the possibility to have the local grade school come by and learn about this wonderful and exiting way of home grown crops? Sadly said there are too many youngsters that don't know about growing plants and greenhouses can change that. But the opportunity will lie in your hands to be able to educate these young minds of our future. Do you still think that the year 2009 will be a dull year? I didn't think so. Just remember that with the boys of Hartley Botanic products in your green fingered corner, there is so much that you can accomplish this new and exiting year.

Gareth Taylor is author of this article on Greenhouses.
Find more information about Greenhouses here.

growing strawberries: strawberry growing

growing strawberries: grow strawberries

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Growing Strawberries Do I Need a Small Greenhouse or a Large One

Do I Need a Small Greenhouse or a Large One?

Have you ever asked yourself the question of will I need a big or a small greenhouse? You see, the answer to this question lays completely in your green fingered hands. It will all depend on the needs that you have and which crop you are growing. Let's look at some different options you have with our Gabriel ash greenhouses. Having grown up in the greenhouse country of the Netherlands I can assure you that I have seen many different ways and many different shapes of greenhouse, and one could say that I have always been very intrigued by the smart use of a greenhouse. I have seen large crops coming from the smallest of greenhouses and I have been the witness to many large scale projects that where absolutely unbelievable.

So what are your plans and how much room do you have? These are the questions that you should ask yourself. If you intend to grow strawberries just to feed you and your family then a small greenhouse will do just fine, even if you are growing tomatoes or any other kind of fruit or vegetable. The way we use the storage possibilities in our Gabriel Ash greenhouses will make sure that you will have more than enough room to make this plan happen on a small scale greenhouse layout. But if you are planning to make great amounts of these crops to lets say be able to sell on a local farmers market, which has proven to be a great way to substitute your income, well then you might want to look at our Gabriel Ash mid-size solutions.

But whatever your question might be, just always keep in mind that the helpful and knowledgeable advisors at Gabriel Ash will be able to make sure you have the right greenhouse for your needs. It is as simple as just stopping by or sending us an email with your growing plans and usage ideas, and we will advise you accordingly, because we know how important your greenhouse is to you.

Gabriel Ash has always been very proud of the bond we have with our customers when it comes to constant feedback. This will ensure that our advice is not only based on expert knowledge but also and if not more on experience. This has and will always be and our goal. We know what made us the best in our line of work, and we will constantly work on staying the best. So when you are looking at the next solution for your greenhouse, please feel reassured in our wisdom and expertise.

So just think of this as your smart start to your green fingered greenhouse experience, and enjoy the knowledge that you have the wisest and most experienced team of greenhouse builders available. And when you bite into the first batch of home grown crop, you will whole heartedly agree that this was and will stay the best decision you have made yet. Welcome to the Gabriel Ash greenhouse experience.

Gareth Taylor is author of this article on Greenhouses.
Find more information about Greenhouses here.

growing strawberries: strawberry growing

growing strawberries: grow strawberries

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